Debt collection

Debt Collection

At Call Centre London we have a comprehensive team and professional experience in managing unpaid user fees and debt collection in London and the UK. Your database is completely safe with us.

Call Centre London offers you different communication channels that are much more efficient and effective than simply telephone and manual dialling alone. Experience zero waiting problems or delays in the management of unpaid customer charges thanks to our superior usage of CRM technology.

In addition, during the debt collection process we prioritize the constant updates with the (EU) 2016/679 Data Protection Law, which prioritizes customer privacy over our consistent technological advances in CRM capabilities.

Chasing unpaid user fees is time consuming and counter-productive to your sales efforts when doing everything in-house. Outsourcing part or all your sales function and debt collection to Call Centre London will reduce stress and increase revenues.

When you know that a professional and dedicated team is committed to chasing outstanding debts in a friendly and approachable manner you can turn your efforts to what matters most to you.

We understand the importance of having predictable and reliable cash-flow into your business and we are diligent and professional in our efforts to reclaiming unpaid fees. You’ve put in all the effort to generate the sale, now it’s time to sit back and collect your reward.

Campaigns can be run to suit you and the needs of your business. Whether it is seasonal or year-round, we can readily scope a debt collection campaign that will pay dividends to the functioning of your business.

Thanks to the quality data capture accessible through our integrated CRM technology, your campaign output can be refocused and retargeted in multiple ways to turn a late payer into a valuable and loyal customer.

The conversation is only just beginning. Get in touch with Call Centre London today to talk with us about the many ways in which we can help streamline your business by discussing your business pains and aspirations with us. We like to think that we are experts in finding solutions, please read the Terms & Conditions page.